
nordsee_600pxEvery production is different. Sometimes you just need a pretty girl and a sunny garden to shoot a commercial that works perfect for launching the very new fragrance from fashion designer XYZ. On the other hand there are productions including helicopters, divers, ski-jumpers, a blue cow and a yellow submarine.

So before we pack our things and get going we have to sit down and talk. About your ideas and how we can put them into effect. A briefing helps of course, but as we have done lots of different jobs since the founding of Film-Service Munich in 1983 you can always count on our expertise. We work with well-rehearsed pros you can depend on.

But as we want to make your vision work we won’t spare you our advice. It’s simply a question of honour, ours just as well as yours. We all know too well: There is no trying! In the end nothing counts but the result. And we feel it has to be as perfect as possible.