Here in the middle of nowhere, 2 shepherds decided to change their profession, they became successfully fisherman and are joining now the tuna-canning-industry, far away from the sea, they went back with their catch to mountains… Tuna canning at 4000ft sea-level. English version from Peter Naguschewski on Vimeo. Here in the middle of nowhere, 2 […]
Schlagwort: locations
location services & location management
20 Kilometers around Santo Stefano
All seasons, only in a circle of 20 kilometers around a small village in the middle of nowhere , in the center of Italy. 20 Kilometers around Santo Stefano from Peter Naguschewski on Vimeo. All seasons, only in a circle of 20 kilometers around a small village in the middle of nowhere , in the […]
Berlinale 2009: Pasta Connection
„Pasta Connection“ (R/P: University of Gastronomic Sciences, SlowFood, HFF „Konrad Wolf“, Filmservice Munich, Band Pro Munich; 30’; Italian with german Subs; Documentary; Italy 2008). See a Trailer: What is the difference between noodles from a factory, from small-scale operations and from those that are rolled up at the family table? This is one of the […]